Cover Story

Volunteer with Cheli Team Member Debbie Daniels

By JP Emerson

Please introduce yourself (tell us a little about you)?

 Hi! My name is Debbie Daniels (she/her) i’ve been working with HBA Hillcrest Business Association for just about 13 years. I started volunteering many years ago. I love being at the office and working with people. Of course I don’t know how to stop working once I start; I like being on autopilot.

How did you become involved with Volunteer with Cheli? 

I have been working with Volunteer with Cheli since the beginning. I would just go because she needed people and that was it because I love her and it was something that I wanted to do. I just liked the organizations that she picked. Some of them were not great sometimes but I showed up anyway because I love Cheli.

What inspires you to Volunteer?

I love helping people! When I was growing up I was terrified of people. Volunteering gave me a chance to get involved in the community. It warms my heart now and I think everyone should just get together and love each other and not hate each other. Volunteering is just very important to me. I love working together with other people. That inspires me because the organizations that we volunteer with are amazing.