The Word On Art

Celebrating a Decade of Artistic Excellence: The Studio Door’s Ten Trailblazing Artists

Commentary by The Studio Door Gallerist Patric Stillman

In commemorating a decade of dedication to the arts, I’ve selectively chosen ten artists who embody the essence of The Studio Door’s past, present, and future aspirations. These remarkable artists not only represent the gallery’s journey but also serve as personal inspirations guiding my vision for its continued growth.

Selecting a handful of artists was a formidable task. Each studio and exhibiting artist have left an indelible mark, offering unwavering support through both challenges and triumphs. While these ten individuals stand as pillars of The Studio Door’s history, there are many more deserving creatives whose talent deserves recognition.

I take solace in the knowledge that The Studio Door’s foundation is strong, and there will be ample opportunities ahead to shine a spotlight on San Diego’s rich tapestry of artistic talent. Everything unfolds in its own time, and I look forward to continuing this journey of celebration and discovery with our vibrant creative community.