A Word From The Archives

Women’s History Month: The Archives Collection of Impactful Stories of Local Community Women

By Murphy Hernandez

When asked who would like to write a piece for the Women’s History Month newsletter, I jumped at the opportunity. Working at Lambda Archives has strengthened my connection to my own complicated relationship with womanhood; and it’s largely thanks to what I’ve learned through the Archives about the amazing women of this region, as well as what I’ve learned from the women of our local LGBTQIA+ community today. I’m grateful for this opportunity to reflect and celebrate the women of our community this Women’s History Month.

At the Archives, I’ve had the privilege to spend countless hours learning from and about a multitude of women, who have painted a gorgeous picture of how expansive womanhood can be. I’ve listened to women’s stories of how they created the change they wanted to see in our community; like the champions of Serving Seniors, San Diego Dyke March, Christie’s Place, Asian Pacific Islander Community AIDS Project, TransAction, and countless others. Through our work with community partners, I’ve witnessed women taking up space in a beautiful way; being brave, powerful, loud, and unapologetic for the causes they care about and for the sheer joy of existing in community with one another. I’ve been in rooms surrounded by LGBTQIA+ women as they loved and laughed; and organized impactful initiatives for our community.

Every week, I learn and see more of what the women of this community have done and continue to do. Having access to this knowledge through our community archive – knowing what an impact we can and do make – has ignited in me a renewed passion for the community of womanhood, and what we can accomplish together.

The stories of these powerful women are a source of inspiration for action. I encourage everyone to read through some of these impactful stories in the learning resource that my colleague Dana put together, browse our website and other local historical resources, and most importantly, engage with and listen to the women in our community. Their powerful stories are a reminder that history is being made every day when we dare to take up space and take action.

Happy Women’s History Month!