Community Feature

Human Dignity Foundation: Vinh Tu

Please tell us about yourself. Who you are, how long have you been involved with the Human Dignity Foundation (HDF) and the reasons for getting involved?

My name is Vinh Tu and I’ve been connected to the Human Dignity Foundation indirectly over the last few years through LGBTQIA+ events.  Recently, I was able to find an opportunity to have a direct impact on the organization as a board member.  As I embark on this remarkable journey as the newly appointed Executive Vice President of the Human Dignity Foundation, I am filled with an indescribable excitement. The opportunity to serve in a role that aligns so closely with my personal beliefs and values is truly a privilege. For me, The Human Dignity Foundation strives to empower the inherent worth and value of every human being.  To me, the concept of human dignity goes beyond a mere philosophy; it is a fundamental principle that should guide our actions, decisions, and interactions with one another. It is a recognition that every individual, regardless of their background, deserves to be treated with respect, compassion, and fairness. It is a belief that every person possesses unique strengths, talents, and dreams that should be nurtured and celebrated.

Can you share some highlights from your time at HDF?

In this short period of time, I have witnessed and seen the amount of passion these board members have to help bring more human dignity back into our daily lives.  It is truly remarkable what these volunteer board members do to connect with community partners that serve the LGBTQIA+ community and find ways to help each of these partners continue executing their mission.

What is the importance of HDF for the community?

As the Executive Vice President, I envision a future where the Human Dignity Foundation becomes a catalyst for positive change, empowering individuals to embrace their true potential and live a life of dignity. I am committed to creating an environment where everyone feels valued, heard, and supported, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or any other characteristic that may make them feel marginalized.  The Human Dignity Foundation is vital to all communities because at the core of what our mission is, we are here to help everyone feel the dignity we all deserve as humans.