POZabilities: A Chat with Managing Director Michael Donovan
By Cesar A Reyes
The 2024 Dr. A Brad Truax Awards are coming up December 6 from 3pm-5pm at the Center. Pozabilities, being last year’s recipients, are involved in the committee to select this year’s honoree.
The Dr. A. Brad Truax Award was created to honor the memory of Dr. Truax and his tireless dedication to the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS in San Diego. The award is given annually to recognize a person who has served the community and made outstanding overall contributions to the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
POZabilities was the first group to ever receive the award since its usually given to individuals making contributions in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
We had a great conversation with Michael Donovan, the newly named Managing Director of POZabilities, about the groups importance to people living and aging with HIV/AIDS in our community.
Please introduce yourself.
My Name is Michael Donovan, I’m a 64-year-old gay man, happily married for 41 years. I was diagnosed with HIV the first time I tested, in October of 1990, as was my husband. I am retired now from a career as an IT Strategy Consultant. We lived in Hillcrest from 2001-2005 while I was doing some work with the Navy. We moved back here in 2018 when I retired, as this was the place we had spent time in that we most wanted to make our home. When I retired, I wanted to give back to the community, so I jumped in with both feet. I have been involved in community planning efforts such as helping to form Vibrant Uptown. I came across POZabilities and was impressed with their work and joined their board in 2019. In 2024 the long-time managing director retired, and I agreed to take the helm. I recently was appointed to the San Diego County HIV Planning Group, a board that is charged with determining the services provided using how Ryan White Care Act program funds. I have also been active on the UCSD Aids Clinical Trials Group Advisory board.

Tell us about being part of POZabilities.
POZabilities is a great group that fills a gap in the services provided by other agencies in specifically targeting the isolation and stigma associated with both HIV and aging. It has been recognized as one of only a few remaining social and educational groups left in the country targeting this community, so being a part of making these opportunities available to our community means a lot to me personally.
Can you give a little bit of history on the group?
POZabilities was formed in 2000 by a group of folks who wanted a place to meet with other HIV+ people in San Diego outside of the bars. It started as a coffee group meeting once a week and over time added other regular events such as holiday dinners, movies, bonfires, educational programs and other events. As the group grew, it became a formal 501(c)(3) in 2015 in order to raise money to provide more extensive events such as trips to LA and other surrounding attractions as well as larger educational forums. POZabilities continues to grow and expand. We are in the process of enhancing our online presence and formally recognizing a more diverse and inclusive community as anyone who is HIV+ or a supporter of our community are welcome at any of our events.

POZabilities was honored with the Brad Truax Award in 2023 and now you get to spearhead this year’s award ceremony, tell us what that means to the group?
2023 was the first time the Truax Award was given to an organization rather than an individual. It reflects the value that is placed on directly addressing the isolation that can be caused by stigma but was in many cases worsened by the COVD lockdowns and fear of infection. POZabilities worked through the COVID pandemic to provide virtual meetings as well as outdoor hikes and gatherings in a COVD safe environment and has since worked hard to make folks feel safe coming back out into the community. This recognition means a lot to the many folks who have worked hard to ensure there is a safe, welcoming place to socialize, learn and just hang out without fear of stigma. Taking a leading role in recognizing others who serve the HIV community is a great honor for the group.

World AIDS Day is coming up, can you talk about the importance of the day and recognizing and supporting the organizations that have been working for those living with HIV and AIDS?
World AIDS Day was created in 1988 as a way to focus attention on the fight to end the AIDS epidemic globally. We celebrate the scientists and researchers who continue to work to find a cure, ways to prevent infection and more effective treatments. We celebrate those activists and caring individuals and organizations who work to establish policies and programs to prevent new infections as well as make the lives of those already infected easier. And we also take time to reflect and remember those whose lives were cut short by the effects of HIV. Even though medical and treatment advances are allowing many to live longer and healthier lives with HIV it is important to remember that the epidemic is not over. Over 14,000 people in San Diego County are living with HIV and some 450 new infections are reported annually. We have work to do the get to a point where we can declare an end to this epidemic and WAD helps us to focus and remember.

How can folks get involved with POZabilities?
POZabilities welcomes all those infected with HIV, who have friends or family affected by HIV or who just want to get involved. A great way to get involved is to stop by one of our events and introduce yourself. We meet for coffee every Wednesday and Saturday at Lestat’s coffee shop in Hillcrest at 10:00-11 or so. More events can be found on our website, https://www.pozabilities.org or drop a note to poz@pozabilities.org to ask any questions you may have. There are no membership requirements or dues. We are an all-volunteer organization supported solely by the community and most of our events are organized directly by the people we serve.