A Word On Parenting

Not Going Back! Vice President Kamala Harris is the Best Candidate for LGBTQ+ Youth Protections

By Brittany Berger

The announcement of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the new Democratic Nominee has fueled new excitement and energy into a previously perceived painstaking and hopeless upcoming election. A record 38,500 people registered to vote in a single day and in only 5 days that number went over 100,000 new registered voters! In the first 24 hours after the announcement donors raised a record-breaking $81 million, and additionally the campaign said more than 888,000 grassroots donors contributed and for 60% of them, it was their first contribution of the 2024 election cycle. I’m not sure about other Queer families but this news has shed hope that we are not going back to where we were 4 years ago. 

In the upcoming presidential election, the spotlight is increasingly turning toward candidates’ positions on LGBTQ+ rights, with a particular focus on the welfare of LGBTQ+ youth. As the debate intensifies, Vice President Kamala Harris stands out for her steadfast commitment to advancing protections and rights for LGBTQ+ young people.

Kamala Harris has long been a champion for LGBTQ+ rights, and her track record demonstrates a deep and sustained dedication to the cause. As the first female Vice President and the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history, Harris brings a unique perspective to the table. Her advocacy for LGBTQ+ youth is grounded in both her legislative history and her policy platform, making her the most promising candidate for those seeking strong protections and support for this vulnerable demographic.

Harris’s commitment to LGBTQ+ issues is evident from her time as Attorney General of California, where she was instrumental in enforcing anti-discrimination laws and defending marriage equality. She played a critical role in defending the landmark Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. Her efforts were not just symbolic; they translated into real, tangible protection for LGBTQ+ individuals, including youth.

As a U.S. Senator, Harris continued her advocacy, championing several pieces of legislation aimed at improving the lives of LGBTQ+ youth. Notably, she co-sponsored the Equality Act, a landmark bill that seeks to provide comprehensive anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ individuals across various sectors, including education and healthcare. The bill includes critical provisions to prevent bullying and discrimination in schools, which directly impacts LGBTQ+ youth.

Harris’s vision for protecting LGBTQ+ youth extends beyond her legislative record and into her presidential platform. Her campaign has laid out a comprehensive plan to address the specific needs of LGBTQ+ young people, with a focus on combating bullying, ensuring mental health support, and addressing disparities in education and healthcare.

A key aspect of her plan is enhancing federal support for schools to implement anti-bullying programs that specifically address the needs of LGBTQ+ students. Harris advocates for increased funding to schools for training educators and staff to create inclusive environments. This approach aims to reduce incidents of bullying and harassment, which are disproportionately experienced by LGBTQ+ youth.

Additionally, Harris’s plan emphasizes the importance of mental health resources. LGBTQ+ youth face higher rates of mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, often exacerbated by social stigma and discrimination. Harris proposes expanding access to mental health services, both in schools and in communities, to ensure that LGBTQ+ youth receive the support they need to thrive.

In terms of healthcare, Harris has pledged to ensure that LGBTQ+ youth have access to comprehensive, affirming care. This includes supporting policies that protect the rights of transgender youth to access hormone therapies and other medical interventions. Her platform also supports increased funding for research on LGBTQ+ health disparities, aiming to address and rectify gaps in healthcare access and quality.

Beyond policy proposals, Harris’s engagement with LGBTQ+ communities underscores her commitment to this cause. She has actively participated in Pride events, met with LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, and used her platform to raise awareness about issues facing LGBTQ+ youth. Her genuine interactions with these communities reflect her dedication to understanding and addressing their concerns.

Moreover, Harris’s own experiences as a trailblazer in public office have positioned her as a role model for LGBTQ+ youth. Her leadership not only provides a voice for those who are often marginalized but also inspires young LGBTQ+ individuals by demonstrating that they too can achieve significant heights in public service and leadership.

Kamala Harris’s candidacy represents a promise of continued progress for LGBTQ+ rights, particularly for youth. Her comprehensive approach to policy, combined with her proven track record and active engagement with LGBTQ+ communities, makes her the best candidate for those advocating for the best protections and support for LGBTQ+ young people.

As voters prepare to make their decisions in the upcoming election, Harris’s steadfast commitment to advancing LGBTQ+ rights and protections stands out as a beacon of hope for a more inclusive and supportive future. Her presidency could herald significant advancements in the fight for equality and justice for LGBTQ+ youth. Her record speaks for itself, in that there is no need to even attack the other side. Kamala Harris has my vote in the 2024 election!