Monique Phillips: Stepping Stone Volunteer/Alumni
By JP Emerson
Tell us about your history Stepping Stone:
My history with stepping Stones has been 22 years strong, I was in treatment at Stepping Stone end of 2001 & graduated in 2002, I was in the outpatient treatment for 9 months the longest Stepping Stone outpatient participant to date, They taught me about the disease of addiction & how I could change it, with the love & acceptance for who I am, Stepping Stone gave me a guideline for recovery that is Priceless, they thought me how to give back don’t wait around waiting for someone to welcome you welcome them, a kind word goes along way & a hugs also, the biggest gift I have been given by Stepping Stone is service I have something to give back, that Love & acceptance they gave & still give, Stepping Stone is Family for me, I have Stayed clean & sober for 22 years goring on 23 at the end of the month ,I know my journey is nowhere near done, today I have purpose for my Broken past & that is to help others, I am grateful beyond words.
Your thoughts on being awarded this year’s Annual Service Award at the Pink Gala:
I was shocked by the award & honored I don’t do service for an award I do it because its who I am, it’s my connecting point, service is the best thing in my life.

Explain the importance of Stepping Stone to our community?
Stepping Stones is important because it’s about helping lost souls find they were in a world that at times feels like it is not made for us, Stepping Stone uplifts, loves people back to a life worth living in the Beauty & fullness of who they are, healing lives.

The Pink Gala is around the corner can you tell our readers y they should attend?
People should Attend the Pink Gala Because Stepping Stone is a major part or the LGBT+ Allies community, it’s helping to Enrich our community & helping to change the epidemic of addition, the Pink Gala is fun, you get to wear Pink & who doesn’t love that.

How can folks get involved?
People can get involved by donating to Stepping Stone Directly, attending the Pink Gala, Sponsoring, Stepping Stone Clients.