Cover Story

Loop Janos: Operations & Safety Director

Please introduce yourself? 
Hi, I’m Loop – Director of Operations and Safety for Know Other Festival.  

Tell us how a bit about yourself (where are you from, how did you end up in SD) what do you do for work?  
I was born and raised in California where I spent all of my youth and younger adult years.  While living in Southern California I made connections with people in the event industry, and people involved in festival production.  Most of these connections were made through volunteer experiences.  I live in Las Vegas now, been there 7 years, but travel to San Diego on pretty much a monthly basis.  I am a social worker by trade, but my professional experience evolved to higher level projects – think policy development, drafting legislation, community engagement, data analysis, and so on.  I have directed large scale public programs and projects at the state level and am a child welfare expert.  I love being outdoors, music, cold beer, and my animals. I appreciate delicious food and good cocktails – whether I am making them or not.

How did you become involve with the Know Other Festival?  
I had friends in the industry, and really just joined as a volunteer.  I saw a use for my specific skill set and became the Director of Ops.  I love it!  I get to think critically and analytically about the festival and feel I set the stage for attendee experience, all while keeping them safe. 

The importance of a Festival like Know Other Festival?  
Spaces to be ourselves and be in community as queer people are so important to protect.  The social climate right now is scary for folks.  We need to be there for each other, in whatever capacity one another needs.  We are going to need one another in the months and years to come.  No one should feel alone.   

What are you looking forward to the festival?  
I am looking forward to getting on site and starting with a blank canvas.  Being a part of the hard work that goes into building out the spaces and getting things ready.  One of my favorite parts of the festival is when attendees arrive.  It is so important to me that everyone has a really good time and that the festival exceeds their expectations.  Everyone gets something different out of the experience – I love being a part of that.